I remember when I was pregnant telling GK that we had to get a video monitor so we could keep an eye on the baby at all times. Little did I know that she would be pretty much glued to one of us these past 9 months. But we recently dug it out of storage, charged the battery and set it up, fully out of T's reach. Baby spy-cam in effect. Let me tell you, 9-months has been a bit of a game changer......
Sleeping soundly in the guest bed one minute...
Up ready to take on the world the next. But don't let this adorably innocent face fool you. Because all she wants to do is......
STAND! Stand in her Pack & Play.
Stand in her corral.
Stand at G-Ro and Grand-P's house.
And get in the way of GK trying to put together her crib.
After ditching the baby bassinet about 3 months ago we let T nap on our bed because she still wasn't very mobile. At around 7 1/2 months she started army crawling which quickly turned into crawling on her knees, then standing up, followed by cruising. I was reluctant but I knew it was time to get a crib. Luckily one of our friends had a crib that was in perfect shape because his son slept in it a total of two times. Hoping the crib is not cursed, we happily accepted it.
GK bravely decided to assemble the crib while I was at work one day. Luckily there was a window of opportunity when T decided to take a nap. I received a text from GK informing me that it took him 4 hours to put the crib together, T's crying for his attention was driving him crazy, and the house was a complete disaster.
But T now has a crib. In my stupid attempt to show T that the crib is not a scary place, I climbed in with her the first night. When I tried to get out, the bottom collapsed. GK quickly fixed it & advised me to stay out. T is pretty good about taking her naps in it and will also start out her evening in the crib but she spends the majority of her sleep with me in the guest bed.
When they're not destroying the house, GK and T have been exploring parks in Berkeley. They went to the Rose Garden.
Then it was across to the cement slide that Berkeley has surprisingly not been sued over as it sends kids down steep terrain at ridiculously high speeds.
After T watched the kids slide down on cardboard, GK took her for a ride down with her in the Pikkolo carrier. Call me conservative but this would not have been allowed had I been present. I was totally unsympathetic when he told me that he burned a hole in the back pocket of his pants from going down the slide.
GK & T continued to explore the parks in Berkeley in interesting attire this past month. Here she is wearing a pair of jeans over footie pajamas because-in GK's words-she has built in socks. OAN-T loves the baby swing, makes her squeal with delight!
A bit apprehensive with the rocking horse at Totland.
GK & T started out our busy Labor Day weekend by the riding the Steam Train at Tilden Park (where we took Elsie this same time last year).
Then a quick visit to say hello to the goats at Little Farm.
We also joined some pretty cool people for Off the Grid Karaoke at Lake Merritt on a gorgeously hot day.
After an amazing engagement party on Saturday night for Soumya & Vivek and then a lovely wedding in SF on Sunday evening-we were all in need of a rest day. We spent Sunday in Concord (after spending the night there) doing laundry, watching episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, and just relaxing. Grand-P kept T entertained and we later took her for a dip on the back deck.